Dupa 26 de ani in care autoritatile locale ploiestene nu au miscat un deget sa rezolve problema cainilor fara stapan, dupa trei ani de actiuni civice incepute in 2012 si finalizate in 2015, Ploiestiul are o Hotarare de Consiliu Local, nr 502/2015, prin care se incearca, in sfarsit, rezolvarea acestei situatii. De-a lungul timpului cainii de pe strazile ploiestene au fost macelariti, ignorati sau incarcerati, in cel mai (ne)fericit caz, la Adapostul de la Bucov.
Asadar, in acest moment Ploiestiul poate implementa o Hotarare de Consiliu Local care sa rezolve pe termen mediu problema cainilor fara stapan care se regasesc pe strazile ploiestene. Din pacate, o persoana pe numele ei Ana Maita care si-a castigat notorietatea nascandu-si copiii acasa, asistata doar de sotul sau, fara asistenta medicala, a decis sa se opuna HCL 502/2015 pentru ca dumneaei nu este de acord cu reteritorializarea cainilor fara stapan, dupa sterlizarea, microciparea si inregistrarea acestora intr-un Registru de evidenta, conform HCL mentionat, prin asumarea scrisa a unei persoane sau organizatii non-guvernamentale. Invocand faptul ca aceasta prevedere ar fi ilegala, in mod fals, a reusit sa convinga prefectul de Prahova sa atace in contencios HCL 502/2015 si sa blocheze implementarea acestui act normativ conceput cu scopul de a rezolva o problema care dainuie de prea multi ani.
Pentru cei care nu stiu, aceasta HCL 502/2015 are la baza actiuni civice care au angrenat cetateni ai Ploiestiului. Astfel, ca presedinte al Asociatiei Alianta pentru Drepturile Omului din Romania( ADOR) am organizat o Audiere Publica in anul 2012, promovata in mediul online, adusa la cunostinta opiniei publice pentru participare. Peste 100 de persoane au participat si si-au sustinut depozitiile analizate de o Comisie de Experti, care a intocmit un Raport de specialitate care a stat la baza proiectului de Hotarare transformat ulterior in HCL 502/2015. Pana ca aceasta transformare sa se produca, in 2013, ADOR a initiat o campanie de advocacy numita “Fara caini pe strazi- prin etica si ratiune” in cadrul careia la Masa Rotunda la care au fost invitati consilieri locali pentru a li se preda proiectul, acestia si-au manifestat sustinerea. Dupa alti doi ani de negocieri, in 2015, HCL 502 a fost aprobata si acum, Dumnezeu stie pentru cat timp, este in vigoare, dar se doreste a fi blocata. In aceste doua actiuni civice am avut sprijinul Federatiei Nationale Pentru Protectia Animalelor(FNPA), prin presedintele Carmen Arsene.
Ceea ce vrea Ana Maita si adeptii sai este sa eutansieze cainii, suprinzator pentru o mama care a ales sa nasca in conditii vitrege punandu-si copiii in pericol. La fel de surprinzatoare si, mai ales, de rapida este reactia dnei prefect, Rodica Paraschiv care nu a tinut cont de o scrisoare din partea Federatiei Nationale pentru Protectia Animalelor in care toate argumentele invocate de Ana Maita erau combatute cu argumente legale care permit reteritorializarea cainilor fara stapan, nu uciderea lor in masa, solutie care nicaieri, in tara sau in lume, nu a dat rezultate. Rodica Paraschiv a ales sa conteste in contencios o munca de trei ani, transparenta, civica, pusa in slujba comunitatii.
Contestarea acestei HCL 502/2015 in contencios administrativ vine sa inlature programele de educatie instituite in cadrul ei, infiintarea unui departament de Protectie a Animalelor in cadrul Politiei locale, promovarea campaniilor de adoptii si alte lucruri bune, gandite in folosul comunitatii si, mai ales, a rezolvarii acestei situatii, pentru ca, in timp, sa nu mai existe caini pe strazi.
Ca presedinte al ADOR am militat pentru rezolvarea situatiei si crearea confortului tuturor cetatenilor Ploiestiului, prin etica si ratiune, nu prin uciderea animalelor de a caror inmultire haotica suntem vinovati tot noi oamenii. Spre deosebire de Ana Maita, impreuna cu o multime de oameni am creat o Hotarare de Consiliu Local, in timp ce aceasta doamna incearca sa distruga, cu sprijinul autoritatilor locale, in primul rand al Prefecturii, o munca pentru rezolvarea unei situatii dificicile a Ploiestiului. Asa intelege doamna Maita sa-si castige notorietatea si, din pacate, isi gaseste foarte usor adepti, printre cei care au acest obicei, adica sa distruga si nu sa caute solutii si sa le puna in practica. Adica, in acest caz si poate si altele, dumneaei isi face nume pe spatele altora, inclusiv a unui sistem medical bolnav, ale carui carente le speculeaza, erijandu-se in salvatoare. Consideram incorecte aceste practici cu atat mai mult cu cat actiunile ADOR si FNPA au fost publice, au respectat normele de transparenta si urmaresc interesele unei comunitati intregi, nu ale unor persoane.
Solicit sprijin mass media centrala, pentru ca imi este foarte clar ca in plan local nu voi gasi, din motive stiute doar de colegii mei de presa. Va multumesc anticipat, tuturor, pentru sprijin.
P.S. Pentru cei care nu cunosc HCL 502/2015 ii invit sa o citeasca aici:
Open letter to the attention of the central media and Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos
After 26 years in Ploiesti where local authorities have not moved a finger to solve the problem of stray dogs after three years of civic actions started in 2012 and completed in 2015 Ploiesti has a Local Council Decision No. 502/2015, which is trying to finally solve this situation. Over time dogs were slaughtered on the streets of Ploiesti, ignore or imprisoned in the (un) happy event, sheltered from Bucov.
So, in this moment Ploiesti can deploy a local council decision to resolve medium-term problem of stray dogs that are found on the streets of Ploiesti. Unfortunately, a person in her name Ana Maita who gained notoriety giving birth at her children at home, assisted only by her husband, without healthcare, decided to oppose HCL 502/2015 for that she disagrees with reterritorialization stray dogs, after the sterilization, microchipping and registering them in a register, as mentioned HCL, assuming in written by a person or nongovernmental organizations. Invoked that this provision would be illegal, falsely convinced the prefect of Prahova attacking contentious HCL 502/2015 and try to block implementation of this law conceived in order to solve a problem that lingers for too many years.
For those who do not know, it is based HCL 502/2015 civic actions which engaged citizens of Ploiesti. Thus, the president of the Association for Human Rights Alliance of Romania (ADOR) I held a public hearing in 2012, promoted online, disclosed to the public for participation. Over 100 people attended and supported their testimony reviewed by an expert panel who drew up a report which was the basis specialized Draft Decision 502/2015 subsequently transformed in HCL. Until this transformation to occur in 2013, ADOR has initiated an advocacy campaign called „No dogs on strazi- by ethics and reason” in which the Round Table have been invited local councilors to be teaching project they showed their support. After another two years of negotiations, in 2015, HCL 502 was approved and now, God knows for how long, it is in force but wants to be blocked. In these two civic actions we had the support of the National Federation for Animal Protection by president Carmen Arsene.
What he and his followers Ana Maita is to euthanasia dogs, surprisingly for a mother who chose to give birth in difficult conditions putting their children in danger. Equally surprising, especially fast is the reaction of Ms prefect, Rodica Paraschiv who took into account a letter from the National Federation for Animal Protection in which all arguments Ana Maita was countered with legal arguments that allow reterritorialization dogs stray, not killing them en masse solution that nowhere in the country or in the world, did not work. Paraschiv Rodica chose a contentious labor dispute against three years of transparency, civic methodes put in community service.
HCL 502/2015 challenging that comes in administrative education programs in place to remove them within a department of Animal Protection in the Police local strucure, campaigns promoting adoptions and other good things, designed for the community and, especially, to resolve this situation, because, in time, not to be dogs on the streets.
As president of ADOR have campaigned to resolve the situation and create comfort for all citizens of Ploiesti by ethics and reason, not by killing the animals whose breeding chaotic all us men are guilty. Unlike Ana Maita, along with a lot of people have created a local council decisions, while this lady trying to destroy, with the support of local authorities, primarily Prefecture, a job to resolve a situation dificicile of Ploiesti. So understand Ms. Maita to gain notoriety and, unfortunately, very easily finds followers among those who have this habit, that destroy and not to look for solutions and put them into practice. I mean in this case and may be more, she make her namen back to others, including a sick medical system, whose flaws she speculate and set herself up in savior. We believe those are unfair practices, because ADOR and FNPA actions were public and have been complied with the rules of transparency and pursuing interests of an entire community, not of individuals.
I request media support center, because I is very clear that I will not find support locally, for reasons known only to press my colleagues. Thank you, everyone, for your support.
P.S. For those who do not know HCL 502/2015 invite them to read here: