Ieri, 5 aprilie 2016, a avut loc intalnirea dintre o delegatie germana si primarul Cristian Ganea, care a avut ca scop declararea sprijinului pentru implementarea HCL 502/2015, privind gestionarea cainilor cu si fara detinator din municipiul Ploiesti si identificarea solutiilor pentru o colaborare eficienta in vederea rezolvarii situatiei cainilor de pe strazi, in asa fel ca pe termen mediu numarul acestora sa scada.
Delegatia germana a fost compusa din Anette Kramme, secretar de stat in Parlamentul Germaniei, Ute Vogt, parlamentar german, Thomas Schroder, presedinte Federatia Germana pentru Protectia Animalelor(FGPA), dr. Sophie Arnold, ofiter tehnic in cadrul FGPA, Markus Tünte: sef al departamentului de presa al FGPA, Sabine Münch fotograf si Petra Keil. Alaturi de primarul Ganea au particpat Laura Moagher, director Parcul Memorial Constantin Stere si viceprimarul George Pana.
Trebuie sa spun de la inceput ca primarul interimar, Cristian Ganea m-a invitat la aceasta intalnire. Se pare ca criticile pe care i le-am adus in timp pentru lipsa de respect pe care a aratat-o in trei situatii similare, au avut efect, motiv pentru care sunt nevoit sa ii multumesc pentru aceasta invitatie.
Pe parcursul discutiilor la care am participat, am retinut cateva lucruri esentiale. Scopul acestei vizite a fost acela de a constata ca Ploiestiul poate fi un model si pentru alte localitati, in ceea ce priveste rezolvarea unei situatii scapate de sub control. Delegatia germana a aratat ca doreste o colaborare cu municipalitatea ploiestena, sa ofere sprijinul necesar, pornind chiar de la oferirea unei unitati veterinare mobile. S-a pus problema unor vizite la centrul de la Odessa, considerat un model, chiar pentru viitoarea constructie a adapostului de la Valea Calugareasca. Trebuie mentionat ca la Odessa capacitatea este de 500 de locuri, iar cainii sunt cazati pentru cateva zile, dupa care sunt returnati rapid. In urma cu 11 ani, la Odessa a pornit proiectul initiat de FGPA, orasul mentionat avand circa 80.000 de caini, iar dupa 11 ani s-a ajuns la circa 10.000, exemplare castrate care vor muri de moarte naturala, fenomenul fiind controlat prin sterilizarile care au avut loc de-a lungul timpului si au loc in continuare. Mai trebuie spus ca municipalitatea din Odessa a creat o fundatie de profil care mentine legatura cu organizatiile de protectia animalelor si actioneaza pentru simplifica lucrurile, iar bugetul anual alocat este de circa 150.000 de euro., iar parte semnificativa din suma a fost preluata de FGPA. O remarca importanta a Laurei Moagher a scos in evidenta faptul ca adoptiile internationale au fost, anul trecut, in numar de 3500, iar cele locale in numar de 40.
Primarul Ganea, a iterat ideea de a organiza chiar un referendum, iar viceprimarul George Pana a adus in discutie o dezbatere publica in cazul in care nu se ajunge la o solutie juridica in legatura cu reteritorializarea. Trebuie sa spun, cu regret, ca atat primarul cat si viceprimarul nu au citit argumentele legale aduse la cunostinta de Carmen Arsene, presedinte Federatia Nationala pentru Protectia Animalelor, in care se indica actele normative care indica faptul ca reteritorializarea este legala.
Anette Kramme a subliniat ca ar dori, atat ca secretar de stat, cat si ca parlamentar, ca jurnalistii sa constate ca Ploiestiul este un model care trebuie urmat si sa prezinte in presa germana rezultatele . “Dupa cum va dati seama, presedintele FGPA nu poate lua decizii de unul singur ci in urma unor consultari, iar in urmatoarea perioada trebuie ca sa se reuneasca…Comisiile noastre pentru a lua anumite decizii premergatoare si dupa aceea putem sa intram in negocieri concrete primaria. Dupa cum am spus pentru noi e foarte important acest proces de sterilizare/ returnare in teritoriu”, a mai spus Anette Kramme.
Dupa ce discutiile s-au incheiat, delegatia germana a fost condusa la Adapostul de la Bucov, unde le-au fost prezentate conditiile in care traiesc cainii capturati, conditiile de sterilizare si padocurile. De asemenea, a fost vizitata si Gradina Zoologica despre care pot spune ca arata foarte bine, dupa cum au remarcat si membri delegatiei germane.
Per total, vizita delagatiei germane a fost una benefica si poate si o sansa pentru toti ploiesteni, atat iubitorii de animale cat si cei care nu le iubesc, ca in timp, populatia canina sa nu mai fie pe strazi. Trebuie doar ca HCL 502/2015 sa inceapa sa fie implementata si sprijinul entitatilor reprezentate de membri delegatiei germane sa se transforme intr-un parteneriat solid.
The visit of the German delegation to Ploiesti and its results
Yesterday, April 5, 2016, held a meeting of the German delegation and Mayor Cristian Ganea, who aimed to HCL 502/2015, regarding the management of dogs with and without owner in the city of Ploiesti, declaring support for implementation and identify solutions for effective cooperation on resolving the dogs from the streets, so medium term as their number decreases.
German delegation was composed of Anette Kramm, State Secretary in the German Parliament, Ute Vogt, MP German Thomas Schroder, President Federation of German Animal Protection (FGPA), dr. Sophie Arnold, a technical officer in the FGPA, Markus Tünte: chief FGPA department release, Sabine and Petra Münch photographer Keil. Along with Mayor Cristian Ganea had particped Laura Moagher, director “Constantin Stere” Memorial Park and Deputy Mayor George Pana.
I must say from the beginning that the acting mayor, Cristian Ganea invited me to this meeting. It seems that the criticism that I have brought him in time for the disrespect that showed in three similar situations have been effective, which is why i have to thank for this invitation.
During the talks that I attended, I remember a few essentials. The purpose of this visit was to find that Ploiesti can be a model for other localities in terms of resolving a situation out of control. German delegation showed that wants a collaboration with the municipality of Ploiesti, provide appropriate support from even delivering a mobile veterinary units. It raised the issue of visits to the center of Odessa, considered a model even for the future construction of shelter from Valley Calugareasca, near to Ploiesti. Odessa should be noted that the capacity is 500 seats, and the dogs are staying for a few days and then are returned quickly. After 11 years, since Odessa started the project initiated by FGPA city mentioned with approximately 80,000 dogs, and after 11 years has reached about 10,000 copies castrated who will die a natural death, the phenomenon is controlled by sterilizations that took place over time and still occurring. It must be said that the City of Odessa has created a foundation profile that maintains contact with organizations protecting animals and works to simplify things, and the annual budget is around 150,000 euros. And part of the sum was taken over by FGPA. An important remark of Laura Moagher emphasized that international adoptions from last year were about the number of 3500 and the local one aproximately to 40.
Mayor Ganea has iterated even the idea of organizing a referendum, and Deputy Mayor George Pana has discussed about a public debate if they do not reach a legal solution about reterritorialization. I have to say with regret that both the mayor and deputy mayor have not read the legal arguments brought to the attention of Carmen Arsene, president ofNational Federation for Animal Protection, which indicates the normative documents indicating that reterritorialization is legal.
Ute Vogt stressed that she would like both as secretary of state and as parliamentary that journalists to find that Ploiesti is a model to be followed and present the results in the German press. „As you can imagine, president FGPA can not make decisions by himself but after some consultations, and in the coming period must be to reunite … our Commissions to take certain decisions leading up to and then we can enter into concrete negotiations with City Hall of Ploiesti. As I said, it’s very important for us this process of sterilization / return in the territory „, Ute Vogt said.
After talks ended, the German delegation was headed to shelter from Bucov, where they were was presented to them living conditions the captured dogs, sterilization conditions and paddocks. Also, the Zoo was visited and I can say that looks great, as noted and members of the German delegation.
Overall, delegations from German visit was a beneficial and perhaps a chance for all Ploiesti, both animal lovers and those who don’ t love them, that over time, the canine population no longer be on the streets. Just as HCL 502/2015 begin to be implemented and support of entities represented by members of the German delegation to turn into a solid partnership.