Asa cum a anticipat inca de saptamana trecuta, Sanda Toader a renuntat la functia de city- manager, pe motive de sanatate. Noi credem ca de scarba primarului Volosevici starea de sanatate a fostului manager al municipiului s-a inrautatit si a incercat sa se potejeze. Nu e usor sa lucrezi cu un infatuat care nu se bazeaza pe nicio competenta, ci doar pe o functie efemera. In locul Sandei Toader a venit un „englez” cu nume romanesc sau, cel putin, asa putem interpreta din moment ce ni s-a remis la redactie CV-ul d-ului Alexandru Varlan, in limba engleza.Trebuie mentionat ca vine de la FIBEC, adica pe filiera deputatului PD-L Florin Anghel, care a mai montat-o in functia de secretar al primariei pe Oana Iacob. Incet, incet, Anghel pune stapanire pe primaria Municipiului Ploiesti.
Inainte de a citi comunicatul si CV-ul il rog pe Dragos Lungu, purtatorul de cuvant ad-hoc al primariei sa raspunda la intrebarea legata de motivul pentru care mass-media locala a fost scoasa de pe site-ul primariei, adresata in urma cu o saptamana!
„Începând de astăzi , 21 februarie 2011, contractul de city manager al doamnei Sanda Toader a încetat “prin înţelegerea părţilor”, în urma solicitării domniei sale.
Precizăm că d-na Sanda Toader a invocat în solicitarea adresată Primăriei Municipiului Ploieşti (ataşată prezentului mesaj), probleme de sănătate. Respectându-i voinţa şi urându-i însănătoşire grabnică, dl. primar Andrei Liviu Volosevici a acceptat această solicitare, primită în această dimineaţă.
Totodată, vă informăm că pentru buna administrare a municipiului, s-a avansat , astăzi, propunerea de a ocupa acest post, domnului Alexandru Vârlan, al cărui CV vi-l transmitem anexat.”
Alexandru VARLAN
Education and Training
2002 – 2005 Ploiesti University
Master Degree in Management of the Economic & Administrative Operations (General Grade 9.64)
1998 – 2002 Ploiesti University
Graduate Diploma, Law Section: Public Admin (General Grade 9.44)
1992 – 1997 Ploiesti University
Graduate Diploma, Finance Section: Accounting
Summa cum Laude (General Grade 9.92)
Professional Training:
HR Officer Labor Ministry, ROM 2008
Financial Management ACCA, UK 2007
Just about Management AIMS Consulting 2003
6 M Timken Co. 2002
Dynamic Business Management DeBaak, Confed. of Netherlands Industries 2002
Sales Techniques TIMKEN Co. Organizational Advancement 2002
Lean6Sigma TIMKEN Co. 2002
Power Lean TIMKEN Co. 2001
Train the Trainers & Training Champions TIMKEN Co. 2001
Gestion De Chantier et D’Entreprise INTERNA Et Le Programme ICE 2000
IAS Principles Training ERNST & YOUNG 1999
Time Planning, Project Management PLURI CONSULTANTS 1998
American Business Logistics, Semiotics AMERICAN UNIVERSITY BY MAIL 1997
Financial Management Risk BLACK SEA UNIVERSITY 1996
Business Administration SCHILLER UNIVERSITY LONDON 1994
Skills Summary
- Performance-driven, entrepreneurial professional with 15 years of continuous advancement and expertise in various businesses
- Proactive self-starter with track record of initiative, personal responsibility, ownership of work and reputation for removing obstacles and making things happen.
- Very good interpersonal communicator, presenter, and negotiator; delivered effective presentations to senior executives; successfully negotiated agreements to avoid litigation.
- Results oriented, strong analytical skills and demonstrated process improvement success in managing large teams in a continuous improvement culture
- Willingness to work on the shop floor and lead by example, ability to influence decision making with or without authority, facilitate groups with different perspectives
- Ability to interact with all level of the business
- Proven change agent and ability to lead teams through and reinforced change through organizational systems
- Demonstrating a lead buy example mentality this role will empower you greatly with many business impacting decisions.
I.T Skills
- Advanced Microsoft Office (World, Excel)
- Internet
Language Skills:
- Romanian (Mother Tongue)
- English (Fluent)
- French (Good)
Career History
Jan 2009 – present BILFINGER BERGER mbH
Headquarter Wien Austria
Project Manager – Commercial
Project Rehabilitation of the Railway line Bucharest – Brasov / Section Campina – Predeal
- Managing a budget of 65 Mil + Euro with European money through an ISPA Program
- Onsite responsibility for complex construction works project from commencement through to completion.
- Project planning, monitoring and control regarding tasks, time, costs, budget deliveries, risk and status reports
- Responsible for the day to day commercial operations on the projects in accordance with the company commercial procedures including the procurement, HR, financial and commercial administration requirements and ultimate success of project.
- Contract Negotiations and fulfillment with the subcontractors and suppliers
- Direct contact with the Client and Government representatives
- Direct contact with the local and national Officials (Environment, Labor, Finance, Fire Dept, local and central Administration)
- Monitoring and managing performance of an international team (internal and external) and assignment of task given to them
- Communication and information management including quality and progress monitoring & reporting
- Identify and review areas of commercial risk and opportunity with the Technical Project Manager
- Management of the technical aspects of planning, procurement, implementation and close-out in accordance with the program
- Proactively coordinate all relevant parties of the project from inception to closeout
- Outline the project’s deliverables, phases, milestones
- Managing staff, business planning, financial reporting and support in business development.
- Evaluation of the project’s lessons learned and adjustments for future projects assigned
Oct 2006 – Nov 2008 SC FIBEC HOLDING SA & FIBEC SA
Headquarter Campina Romania
General Manager
- Managing &developing 25M EUR business
- Identify new business opportunities and start up new ones
- Recruiting, evaluating and identifying the training needs for the associates
- Developing, Implementing and Controlling the Yearly and Monthly Budget
- Participation in strategic initiative development and aligned project selection work sessions.
- Sharing the Best Practice within the Group (in production, quality, cost control)
- Analyze, interpret and translate metrics into concrete action items to improve business results and customer satisfaction
- Identifying training opportunities and developing appropriate programs for the associates
- ERP needs indentification
- Legal aspects and the contact with the Government and Local authorities
- Subordination: Council Of Administration of the Group
Jun 2002 – Sep 2006 SC FRESHTEX ROMANIA SA
Headquarter Heilbronn Germany
2005 – 2006
Deputy General Manager
- Managing &developing 25M EUR business
- Starting and developing green field operations for 2 different locations in Focsani and Slobozia
- Build partnership with existing or with new customers.
- Recruiting, evaluating and identifying the training needs for the associates
- Developing, Implementing and Controlling the Yearly and Monthly Budget
- Responsible for driving lean leadership to a cross functional team of over 20 members from 6 countries (Romania, Poland, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Bulgaria)
- Mentor and facilitator of the training sessions of cross functional teams from various countries
- Develop key relationships with the country managers and ensured that new and improved processes are rolled out effectively
- Consolidating and integrating the teams of the 2 plants into 1 (the Financial, H&R, Logistic, IT, Security, Purchasing, Production Planning)
- Sharing the Best Practice within the Group (production, quality, cost control)
- New KPI’s Implementation and Follow Up
- Developing a new Salary System based on the efficiency rates
- International Group Projects successfully implementation (ERP, Process Control Standardization, REFA Studies, 6 Sigma)
Career History (continued) SC FRESHTEX ROMANIA SA
Headquarter Heilbronn Germany
2002 – 2005
Factory Manager
- Managing & developing 7M EUR business
- Managing a 500 employees growing business
- Project Management for the green field operation with the new plant
- Managed an international team with managers and technical specialists from Germany, Columbia, Poland and Hungary
- Developing, Implementing the Business Plan
- Developing and Implementing the Purchasing Dept (Imports&Exports)
- Developing, Implementing and Controlling the Budget & Financial Analysis
- Managing all business related activities from production and production planning to finance and H&R (direct reporting people : 16)
- Building up the new factory – following up the evolution of the operations correlated with the analysis of the investments Vs Approved Budget
- Marketing and promoting the products and the services offered
- Negotiating and closing contracts with existing or new customer
- Comprehension of organizational change curves, maturity models, and managing resistance to change.
- TOE & External Audits Certification (Levi’s, GAP, M&S)
- Recruiting, evaluating and identifying the training needs for the associates
- Cost Reduction Projects implementation
- KPI’s implementation & Follow Up
- Project Member of an international team for implementing an ERP System at the Group Level – World wide (In process)
Career History (continued)
Headquarter Canton Ohio, US
2000 – June 2002
Business Manager Business Development
- Managing & Developing -1M USD Business
- Train the Trainers
- Power Lean and Six Sigma projects coordinator and promoter within the organization
- Team Performance Management Implementation
- Leading new business opportunities related to bearing repairs.
- Generate Business Plan G.M.
- Managing the Business Unit Budget
1999 – 2000
Manager Roller Department
- Managing the Roller Dept. daily act with 4 direct reporting people
- Performance analyses
- Associates evaluations
- Project Coordinator : 1999 – 2000 Marcegaglia Project
Career History (continued) SC TIMKEN ROMANIA SA
Headquarter Canton Ohio, US
1998 – 1999
Business Economics Analyst
- Financial Analyses
- Management Reports
- Implementing a new Costing System
- Internal Audits within the Company
- Budgets – Management Accounts
- Investment Reports
- Government Affairs – Responsible for the relation with the Foreign Investors Council in Bucharest and FPS ( State Ownership Found)
- Subordination: Finance and Legal Director
1996 – 1997 SNVM Brokers
Broker & Financial Analyst
- Evaluation Studies
- Financial Analyses
- Internal & External Audit
- Public Relation
- Feasibility Studies