Una dintre organizatiile reprezentative din Europa pentru protectia animalelor, respectiv “Occupy for Animals” a promovat reusita pe care am inregistrat-o ca presedinte al Aliantei Pentru Drepturile Omului din Romania(ADOR) impreuna cu dr. Carmen Arsene, presedintele Federatiei Nationale pentru Protectia Animalelor(FNPA). Ma refer la rezultatele Audierii Publice pe care am organizat-o in 2012, care s-au transformat intr-un proiect de Hotarare de Consiliu Local pe care l-am promovat in cadrul campaniei de advocacy si lobby “Fara caini pe strazi- prin etica si ratiune”, in cadrul mesei rotunde cu consilierii locali. Subliniez aceste lucruri pentru ca aceasta reusita are la baza o munca de negociere de trei ani, care a avut ca rezultat proiectul de Hotarare de Consiliu Local nr. 502/2015, privind gestionarea cainilor cu si fara detinator din Ploiesti.
Dupa cum veti vedea si in articolul de pe siteul “Occupy for Animals”, dintre persoanele din administratia locala care au contribuit efectiv la aceasta reusita, implicandu-se si in redactarea finala a textului Hotararii de Consiliu Local, sunt, in anul 2014 domnul Ionut Ionescu si in 2015 domnii Sorin George Botez si Cristian Ganea, actualul viceprimar cu atributii de primar. In final trebuie sa multumesc tuturor conslilierilor locali pentru ca pe 15 decembrie 2015 au votat in unanimitate. De asemenea vreau sa multumesc d-nei dr. Carmen Arsene pentru implicarea si suportul oferit in toti acesti ani.
In textul scris in engleza de mai jos, veti vedea cum iubitorii de animale din Europa ne felicita pentru aceasta realizare cu atat mai mult cu cat suntem singurii din Romania care au reusit sa convinga consilierii locali sa inteleaga insemnatatea unei astfel de Hotarari de Consiliu Local si sa o voteze. Asadar, primaria Ploiesti este singura din Romania care a reusit sa adopte un act normativ care sa reglementeze activitatea care priveste cainii cu si fara detinator din perspectiva umana, fara maltratarea bietelor animale. Va invit sa cititi ce a scris Pia Berrend, careia ii multumim, pe site-ul “Occupy for Animals” si sa va bucurati impreuna cu noi de aceasta reusita la Ploiesti care este recunoscuta in Europa, chiar si in Parlamentul European. Se pare ca proverbul care spune ca “nimeni nu-I profet in tara lui” a functionat si de aceasta data.
Multumesc pe aceasta cale si colegilor de presa, in special cea locala, care au promovat actiunile noastre, atatia cati au fost…
Articolul la care am facut referire il puteti citi integral AICI
One of the representative organizations of animal protection in Europe -„Occupy for Animals” has promoted the success we registered, Eugen Cristescu as president of the Alliance for Human Rights in Romania (ADOR) with dr. Carmen Arsene, president of the National Federation for Animal Welfare (FNPA). I refer to the results of the public hearing that we organized in 2012 which turned into a draft local council decisions that I promoted in advocacy and lobbying campaign „No dogs on the streets- by ethics and reason”in round table with local councilors. I emphasize these things because this success is based on a three-year labor negotiation, which resulted in Local Council Decision no. 502/2015 regarding the management of dogs with and without owner of Ploiesti.
As you will see in the article on the website „Occupy for Animals” , people from local government who actually contributed to this success, getting involved in drafting the final text of the judgment of the Local Council are, in 2014 Mr. Ionut Ionescu and in 2015 Mr. Sorin George Botez and Cristian Ganea, the current Mayor of Ploiesti. Finally, I must thank all the local councilors because on December 15, 2015 voted unanimously. Also I thank dr. Carmen Arsene for the involment and support during this years.
In the written text in English below, you will see how the animal lovers in Europe congratulations for this achievement even more because we are the only people in Romania who managed to convince local councilors to understand the significance of such local council decisions and to vote. Therefore, the city Ploiesti is only one of Romania who managed to adopt a law to regulate the terms from the human perspective, the poor animals without mistreatment.
Please read what Pia Berrend wrote, whom we thank, on site „Occupy for Animals” and enjoy toghether with us to enjoy this success in Ploiesti which is recognized in Europe, even in the European Parliament. It seems that the proverb which says that „no one is a prophet in his country” has functioned this time.
We thank our colleagues and the media, especially the local one, which promoted our actions, as many they were …
The article I referred you can read in full HERE